Australian Game Filter to block Steam

June 28, 2009 by Aaron

Australian Game Filter to block Steam

youtube_failOur good old friend, the always excellent Senator Conroy and his bodacious team at the Aussie government have really outdone themselves.  Conroys wacky magical internet Cleanfeed filter has another country selectable mode which can block "Downloadable" game content if it does not fit into our old MA game rating system.  In fact  the filter is set to block websites hosting and selling video games that are not suitable for 15 year olds in general.

Is it really possible that implementing a simple a R18+ classification for Australia was just too hard for our communications minister and government to fathom?

There is no chance in hell such a filter will be able to legally block online content networks such as Steam who have a massive list of 3rd party content providers which supply you the games.  Yes that includes every major Australian ISP and gaming network.

The Clean Feed filter in general shows complete disregard for our common-sense and intelligence and is a testament to an average uneducated, archaic, politically correct and ratings crazed government.

You may have seen this article from the age:

Far from being the ultimate weapon against child abuse, it now will officially censor content deemed too controversial for a 15-year-old. In a free country like ours, do we really need the government to step in and save us from racy web games?"

Senator Conroy's spokesman said the filter would cover "computer games such as web-based flash games and downloadable games, if a complaint is received and the content is determined by ACMA to be Refused Classification". All games that exceed MA15+ are deemed to be RC.

Is this a typical morning at the Conroy mansion?

Backwards Man from Pepsi on Vimeo.

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