Some potential bad news, especially if you were an active part of the Black Mesa community. Black Mesa is a complete re-creation and total conversion of the game Half-Life, utilising the Source engine.
Dear Black Mesa Supporters:
Our website shall be down for a unknown amount of time as we have just suffered from total hard drive failure, which also includes our backups. At this time the Black Mesa website and forums are unreachable. We have our old drive in a USB enclosure, trying to at least retrieving some data such as the community forums SQL database.
We are breaking night and day, drinking stockpiles of Redbull to get the lights on (website that is!). Please bare with us.
Will this effect the release of the mod?
Answer: No.
Does this mean the forums are gone? Including my posts, topics, ect.
Answer: At this time, it does not look so good.
We wish them all the best getting the site up and running. Good luck lads.
Edit 3-5-09
The forum is backup but the old stuff may have been lost.
Unfortunately, we haven't been able to recover any of the previous databases or backups. We're still actively searching for anything we can rescue, but it's looking unlikely that we'll be able to recover anything from the old forum.