Not content to just offer Online downloads via the EA Store, This friday will see the release of Origin, EA's answer to the all conquering Steam platform.
Like Steam, EA Origin will be offering more than just downloadable games, Origin will feature social networking features, trophies/achievements, in game messaging and probably the most interesting, the ability to register non Origin bought games and integrate them into the service.
From the Wall Street Journal excerpt available via MorningStar.
Even if consumers don't purchase games through Origin, they will be able to use it to create profile pages that record all of their scores and other progress on EA games and to establish Origin friend lists based on their friend lists on Facebook and other social networks.
This ability is something I wished Steam should have done a long time ago and fingers crossed, regional price gouging is kept to a minimum.

I have no idea where the image came from - this one was taken from Kotaku.