Steam user Sub-Zero1324 has released an impressive early alpha mod which shows huge potential. Source: This Steam Thread and the new Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Revolution website.
Valve has released a beta SDK and it has various fixes for hl2DM. All slam issues are now fixed and also the third person animations are fixed as well as all the effects and I am releasing a mod soon witch will use the new sdk - orange box.
I had a quick play around with it last night - Damn impressive. The Tau Cannon behaves almost like it did originally without the issues presented byHL2DM pro. Movement, speed are fluid - just need to test in an online environment.
- Tau Cannon (AKA "GaussGun") The same gun that is on the buggy in Half-Life 2 but its hand held like it was in Half-Life 1
- SniperRifle
- The Gluon gun (AKA "The Egon") From Half-Life 1 Coming soon
- The PhysGun that was cut from Half-Life 2 is also in the works
- Chat Bubble above players head when typing
- RPG now holds 8 Rockets and the Laser can be turned on or off.
- The Frag Grenade now explodes sooner
- Added First Person Ragdolls
- Added Muzzle Flash Lighting
- Added Counter Strike Source Muzzle Flashes
- Added High Res textures on all weapons
- New SMG1 Model and Sounds
- Added HDR Lighting to all Maps
- Maxplayers can now go up to 32
- Floating Slam issues are now fixed
- Better Thirdperson coming soon
- Half-Life 2 Deathmatch Revolution uses The Orange Box Source Engine
- Multiplayer Source Code fixes
- Players animate with the new animation system that came along with TF2.
- Fixed third person animations and all effects
- Fixed SLAM issues
- Fixed Use of UTIL_GetLocalPlayer on the server in various locations
- Fixed a number of other bugs / asserts.