Todays Team Fortress 2 update is brought to you by the letters B and M and the number 0. What is Monday Night Combat you ask?
Monday Night Combat is a class-based, third-person shooter and if you purchase before February 1st, 10am PST - you will receive Team Fortress 2 Items for Monday Night Combat & Monday Night Combat Items for Team Fortress 2!
Cross gaming promotions on steroids, some pics of the items:
Oh Yeah, almost forgot about the update:
Shared Source Changes (CS:S, DoD:S, TF2, HL2:DM)
- Fixed the dedicated server not running on machines using Win2k.
Team Fortress 2
- Added the Monday Night Combat gear.
- Added Crit-a-Cola to the weapon drop list.
- Added missing chalkboard/serverbrowser materials for 5Gorge.
- Fixed some missing particles systems in the low violence version.
- Fixed a bug with the round ending when a control point is captured during Overtime in CP_Egypt.
- Fixed the game not running on machines using Fat32.
- Updated the localization files.